Tuesday 24 November 2009

Learning to love yourself – why you are so worth it!!


So tell me honestly, how did you react to that? Let me say it again.


Did you notice any physical reaction that time? If it were me reading that on someone’s blog my initial knee jerk reaction would have been this… First I would instinctively pull away from the screen, then I would tut or huff and then probably mumble something under my breath like ‘bloody hippy’.

So why is it that just by the mere mention of love it promotes such fear into our being?

We are born from love, we die into love, so what exactly happens in between that really makes us shy away from the mere mention of it?

I believe it has a lot to do with conditioning and being unable to love ourselves and that is what I am going to write about today.

I’m going back in time now, back to when we were children. If you were a child of very young parents, or your arrival wasn’t exactly planned, you may have felt resentment at having ruined lives just by the mere existence of coming into being. You may have also heard any of the following statements..

You’re a horrible child
Having children ruined my life
I wish you’d never been born sometimes

Dejected, off you went, feeling as though you’d done something really awful. Time and again throughout your life you heard the same statements and as you got older a few more got added.

Imagine then, going off to school, already feeling like the son/daughter of Satan to then be confronted by the teacher from hell who made your life miserable. A few of the particularly nasty memories I have are my music teacher whacking me several times on the head with a recorder because every time I blew into the thing it squeaked (turns out someone had shoved gum down it). Being told by my Maths teacher that I was so dim I would probably end up a dustman (I did actually work with the dustmen at one point, salt of the earth they are too) and being humiliated by an English teacher who turned out to be a complete pervert!!

Do you ever remember wondering why it was that no matter what you did, it just wasn’t right by anybody and that you were always going to be a horrible child? As a consequence of that thought, did you run around and just try and please everyone you could so that you wouldn’t have to be that horrible child any more?

Is any of this resonating?

Maybe some of you jumped at the first real love relationship and got married at a ridiculously young age. This may have been good at first but possibly deteriorated further down the road into a situation where you felt suffocated and controlled. Maybe it simply came about because you continued to be a people pleaser to the detriment of your own self. You may have even suffered abuse.

Maybe you just gave up on love after allowing yourself to be trampled on once too often. Or just kept getting your heart broken.

Does any of this ring any bells?

We all know logically that our parents love us. That their actions were just a result of them being completely stressed out and fed up with their lives. Everyone has bad experiences at school with teachers too or bullying of some kind and lets face it we’ve all been in really really crap relationships at some point.

Does knowing all that change who we are though? No. That pain associated with love is still there, still festering away and every time someone shouts I LOVE YOU your heart shrinks back, hides and doesn’t want to play because it knows this is one game that its going to end up getting hurt by.

So, what do we do? Close our hearts down completely? Spend our lives giving all we can of ourselves in order to feel worthy but still too afraid to let love into our hearts? Well it is an option but truly, doesn’t the resentment start to build up when you give all you have but refuse to allow yourself anything good out of life and love?

Recognising and discovering the things that we’ve been conditioned to believe about ourselves is a good first step in finding our way back again. It really is important at this point not to fall into a trap of blaming everyone else for what we have become. All it will do is compound the problem and leave you feeling even angrier and more resentful.

So what do we do? What are our options when it comes to recovery and finding our way back to love?

It may be that professional help is the way to go, particularly if you have suffered particularly abusive relationships or there are issues that no matter how hard you try, you simply cannot sort out yourself.

If however, you are on a path of self discovery and are simply tired of going round and round with the same issues regarding love and self worth then read on.

The first and most basic step to recovery is realising that ironically you will never really be able to learn about giving or receiving love from someone else until you can really love yourself anyway so it’s a good idea to at least try and entertain that thought. Start by seeing that dejected child who tried so hard to please but constantly felt pushed away. Pick her/him up and give your little self a cuddle, tell your inner child that it is beautiful, loving, sweet, playful, joyful and that it is so worthy of being loved. Actually feel yourself completely loving your inner child. If you start to do this on a regular basis, the conversations you have with ‘little you’ will become more enlightening and you will probably start to remember aspects of yourself that you had long since forgotten. You’ll start to remember the daft little things that you used to do when you played by yourself that made you laugh and kept you entertained. There are some things I still prefer to do alone just because I like my own company. Finding that inner joy and remembering that you are still that joyous, happy child and that it really doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks so long as you remember it and feel it and radiate that out into the world is also one of the building blocks back to love.

Another very useful practice, not to be knocked is making time for yourself and utilising that time by doing a mixture of different things. Meditation is good for unblocking heart energy. Finding a connection with the Great Spirit, Creator, God, Goddess or whatever higher energy resonates with you will eventually lead you to a state of bliss that will probably knock your socks off. Remember it doesn’t just have to be felt during the meditation practice, that blissful state can be felt all the time. It all just takes time. Be patient with yourself, keep loving yourself and importantly keep loving everyone around you. Once you start to really find your own love of self, your perception of the world changes. The perception you have of the people around you will change too. You will start to see that for every angry word said, there is a need to be loved screaming at you. Be kind, be patient remember it wasn’t that long ago you were feeling like that yourself.

Aside from meditation, a physical regime of some kind is really good for getting the endorphines going and giving yourself a lift when you feel a bit low. I actually find that meditating on a step machine to fast tribal music is first class but its not for everyone. Learn a martial art or even find a dance class where you can really let your mind go and get your energy pumping will really help if you have spent years neglecting your own well being in favour of trying to please others. As your physical self starts feeling the benefit of healthy self love, so outwardly your appearance will also shine that bit brighter, making all that effort worthwhile, not just for yourself but for everyone.

Once you start to remember who you really are, the years of conditioning will gradually start to fall away. It won’t happen instantaneously, it will need commitment and focus but surely, you are worth it, aren’t you? Don’t get too frustrated with yourself when you start feeling all that needy stuff starting to show its face and you find yourself falling back into the trap again of over pleasing. If you have done the work, you will actually be able to catch yourself doing it. Laugh at yourself, take a step back, breathe and regain inner composure. Don’t expect too much of yourself too quickly, its all a learning process.

Once you do find your way back to self love you will find that your relationship with life and all of those around you will start to improve. You won't be looking for self gratification through anyone else now you know the value of loving yourself.

Be a little aware at this point that it is possible to love yourself so much that it can start to act as a protective shield. Knowing how to love yourself is one thing. Shutting out love from another because you already have all the love you need inside you is another thing entirely.

But that is another subject for another day.

Good luck and I really hope you learn to love you. You really are special and worth loving.

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