Sunday 15 November 2009

Finding your way through the crisis - don't ask me!! :)

How exactly how are we meant to deal with life’s major crisis points when everything comes to a head at the same time? I am writing this for all of you out there that are fighting to keep your heads above water while I go through the same thing myself. I don’t have all the answers okay so you’ll have to bear with me on this one as I navigate my way through it.

First off, keep loving everyone in your world, no matter what the circumstances are or how frustrated you may get. There will be times when you can’t, when you simply just have to find a corner somewhere to go have a cry. It’s release, it’s a good thing, it’s your hearts way of telling you it hurts and the pain needs to find a way out. Don’t let it stick with you, just cry until its done, wipe away the tears and motivate yourself to do at least one thing for yourself that you enjoy. Even if it is something simple like taking a hot shower or stepping outside for a walk under the stars. It does help.

If there are others looking to you for support, try to focus on the best way you can serve each situation. Whether it’s a listening ear, running errands or something more hands-on like healing or massage, most people will respond positively to any kind of care, kindness and love you can give them. Be soft in your approach, be gentle with their souls and let them know they are loved, treasured and that they are beautiful. Every soul, underneath its pain has its beauty and light waiting to shine forth. Help others to recognise that point. Remind them of their own strengths, of ways you’ve seen them overcome difficulties in the past. Show them the light that you see within them and help them to also see that strength within themselves. In the case of dealing with a very ill close relative, all I can say is love them, hold them, be a joy for them and take each day as it comes without dwelling on negativity and fear.

I’ve also made a sacred space for myself. A place where I can burn sage and incense, take my crystals and my serene music and pray and meditate. If you can find stillness and love within, this will serve you better than any person, thing or place when it comes to dealing with life in general. Take time to care for your own soul. Hold that little frightened child inside you and let it know that it really will all be okay, that it is loved and cared for and that nothing bad will happen. Hold the love in your heart and send it out to everyone in the world and the world itself. Just by regularly doing this one positive thing, it really does start affecting the world around you for the better.

If you are also facing issues like losing your job and how are you going to pay the mortgage or rent this month, all I can say is try and focus on the best way of dealing with this too. See if you can skim a bit off the budget in other areas. Don’t worry so much about Christmas, work on crafting something to give rather than stress about it. Speak to Citizens Advice, see if they can make any positive suggestions that you may have missed yourself. Do as many positive visualisations as you can and make affirmations for yourself every day. Ask for help. I've always found, that worrying doesn't help, just have to remember to breathe, take whatever action you physically can and know that life really wants to be kind, if you allow it to be. Somehow having this belief has always managed to keep a roof over my head even during the most dire of times. Leading a simple life helps too!!

Most of all, in the middle of the storm.. don’t panic!! You will survive, you are stronger than you give yourself credit for and when you are out of this rough patch it will serve to help not only yourself in the future but other people too . Really it’s just life’s way of telling you that certain doors may need to close in order that others may open and that all life moves in cycles. Just look out of your window and see the winter coming in, knowing that springtime will eventually follow… and it will.

And remember.. no-one expects you to be super-human. Give as much as you can, love as much as you can but remember to treat yourself with the same amount of love and kindness that you show everyone else.

And if like me, you still can’t help being a drama queen/king then just ride it out, soon enough you’ll start to see the funny side and recognise when your inner child is just throwing a tantrum. At that point, remind yourself.. and this is really important.. that you are blessed for having the people in your life that you do. That you are going through a huge transformative phase and that really you aren’t doing so bad so don’t be so down on yourself.

There will be more to follow on this subject - watch this space.

Sending you all love and light in the wish that life is always kind to you.


  1. Sound advice, Ju - practical and uplifting - sure to be a great help and to bring a lot of comfort to anyone needing it. xxx

  2. Juliette points out that love, like charity, starts at home, which is to say, love yourself then expand this love to others. No matter what one's circumstances, Juliette shows that love is always appropriate, and as the Bible says: :"Love nevery faileth."
