Thursday 30 June 2011

Sunshine & Orbs at the river

"Believe in your heart and in your own goodness for in doing so others will believe in them too. Believe in magic because life is full of it. But most of all.. believe in you". Ron Cristian

Tuesday 14 June 2011

The allotment project

Its been almost two years since I really put a lot of energy into my allotment but about a month ago I decided to get back to work on it digging up barrowloads of weeds and getting it back into shape with the idea of creating a nice peaceful spot for my mum to go and sit and enjoy the sunshine and have a few home grown fresh veggies.

Today I was somewhat surprised that since my last visit one of the retired gents had completely dug over the plot (angel) and at last I could get to work on planting.

Fortunately I got there just as the strawberries were starting to ripen and this year came up trumps with the plants which produced a nice crop and even had a few autumn raspberries fruiting early.

At the moment its just summer veggies that have been planted but with such a nice sized area I'm working on an idea to put a medicine wheel with either herbs or plants somewhere on the plot with some beautiful large rose quartz crystals. Its a simple idea and I'm interested to see if it changes the energy of the plot and how the plants respond. Having worked in horticulture now for some years and my ex boss making the discovery years ago on how plants respond to touch I've been doing some experiments of my own. Planting by the different moon phases, experimenting with growing plants with different crystals to see which is more effective. Leafy veg seem to respond better to transmitter crystals like clear quartz, root veg seem to respond better to the earthier stones like jasper and petrified wood.

Allotments are an inexpensive way to grow your own food, be outside connecting with nature and experiment with ideas. If you're looking to cut down on your food bills, get some fresh air and have a place to just be I'd say that its a more than worthwhile thing to do.